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Do you have pain, stress, allergies, long haulers symptoms, are recovering from a surgery, or trauma? 

I can help you!

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About Me

About Me.

My journey becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Sound Healer, Yoga Instructor, etc., was sparked by personal health concerns and injuries.  As a young professional ballet dancer and performer, as a mother, and simply being a human being and providing physical therapy (across the age spectrum) over the last 16 years, I am familiar with what life's challenges throw at us. Regardless of the reason I treat people, decline in health is simply a cause of stress.   Having been a recipient of biofeedback, sound, and light therapy myself, and having practiced yoga all of my life, I have realized the profound effect reducing stress can have on facilitating our innate ability to heal and restore ourselves to our optimal levels of physical and mental health and assist other treatments in their work. To me, finding these tools has been a blessing for myself and they give people an alternative option to improve their health and performance in life without side effects.


My mission is to empower each individual in governing their own path to a higher level of mental and physical health.
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."
The Bhagavad Gita


Flower Bud Petals


I guide people through Hatha or Vinyasa style yoga focusing on the spiritual and physical components of the practice.  With my background in ballet and physical therapy, I can direct you through an effective experience with instruction to reduce risk of injury.

I specialize in working with children and prenatal populations.


Biofeedback is a sophisticated tool that uses a computer software program to measure Bioenergetic aberrations in your energy field.  Through applied harnesses and straps, the information is gathered subconsciously which is then analyzed.  This information is then used to organize a calculated response to send back to the body to assist it to reduce stressors and support your own innate ability to achieve better health by reducing pain and stress and reeducating muscles. 

This technology is FDA Registered and designed by Licensed Medical Professionals with evidence-based research.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy utilizes instruments which produce specific frequencies that resonate with properties in our own cells beneficial in stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and supporting release of physical, spiritual, or emotional stress. 

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Cynthia Matabuena Tamez, Mexico

“Retome hacer ejercicio mas intensamente y en este afan, tuve una lesion en el musculo ciatico.  Empezo a dolerme mucho, desde la espalda baja hasta la pierna.  Mi frustracion fue grande ya que habia empezado muy motivada, asi que recurri a Stacey para que me hiciera un tratamiento.  Yo vivo en Monterrey, Mexico, asi que realmente estaba un poco incredula que el tratamiento se lograra a distancia.  Llene mi expediente y Stacey (amorosamente) como es ella, me guio y trabajo conmigo en su maquina y programa.  Para mi sorpresa dias despues, el dolor (que casi creo estaba ya pensando en como aprender a vivir con el) desaparecio. Que hice?  Que estiramiento? No me gusta tomar analgesicos por el el dano colateral que causan.  Asi que no entendia que me mejoro de forma tan impresionante. Justo recibi el mensaje de Stacey...como ameneciste?  Como te sientes hoy? Anoche trabaje contingo nuevamente y ya debes de estar mucho mejor!!!  Es increible su tratamiento, de verdada lo recomiendo muchisimo!! Hace un mes tuve la fortuna de poder ir a Denver y claro que quise tomar una sesion en personal.  Ya no tengo dolor en la ciatica pero para que me checara y diera un refuerzo.  Me comento como consejo final que me veia muy estresada, pero habia trabajado en mi para estar mas tranquila.  Verdaderamente asi a sido, mucho mas consiente y en paz para llevar el dia a dia sin aceleres y ansiedades. Estoy muy contenta con su tratamiento.  Su recomendado 10 de 10!"​

Cynthia Matabuena Tamez, Mexico

I resumed exercising more intensely and because of this, I had an injury in the sciatic muscle. It started to hurt a lot, from my lower back to my leg. I was greatly frustrated.  I asked Stacey to do a Biofeedback treatment to help me.  I live in Monterrey, Mexico so I was a little incredulous that a treatment could help me from such a distance. 

I completed my questionnaire and Stacey (lovingly), guided and worked with me with her machine and program.  Surprisingly, the pain (I was thinking I was going to have to live with forever) disappeared.

What did I do?  What stretch?  I do not like to take pain medication because of the side effects.  I could not understand how I could improve so much.

The next day, I received a message from Stacey…how did you wake up?  How are you today?  She told me she worked with me and that I had to be much better!!!  The treatment was incredible and I strongly recommend it.

One month ago, I had the fortune to visit Denver and I wanted an in-person session.  I did not have anymore sciatic pain but wanted her to check me and give me a reinforcement.  She told me that I was experiencing a lot of stress and that she worked on decreasing this stress.  Truly, I have been much more conscious and tranquil day by day without anxiety.

I am very happy with the treatment.  I give it a 10 out of 10!



Denver, Colorado

720 675 6334

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